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Le blog de Yoko
1 août 2007

Heureuse surprise...

Je suis ravie... et j'etais surtout tellement surprise que j'ai renverse mon cafe sur le clavier de l'ordinateur. Pourquoi ? Ben parce qu'il y a quelques semaines, je me suis inscrite a un concours organise par Walinette, la beaute de The beauty and the geek, qui propose gentillement de refaire le design d'un blog (ce qui est loin d'etre inutile et fastoche quand on sait comment je galere pour changer une virgule a mon environnement canalblog...). Le concours a eu du succes: plus de 70 blogs inscrits ! Walinette a donc fait une short list de 13 et... mon blog en fait partie. Oui, oui, c'est une veritable reconnaissance pour moi et je suis a la fois flattee et touchee d'etre parmi les elus. Je n'ai pas la pretention de penser gagner le concours, pour lequel il faut voter par un commentaire ici, mais je voulais vous le dire : je suis vraiment contente et je voulais remercier Walinette (allez voir son blog d'expatriee au Mexique, tres girly et sympatique qui regorge d'articles interessants, vous pourrez aussi y suivre les aventures de son adorable chat Microbe...) et vous aussi, vous qui peut-etre, allez voter pour mon blog s'il vous plait... En cette periode de vacances, les articles sont plus courts, mais ca peut valloir la peine de se plonger dans les archives...


Bref, ma journee commence avec un rayon de soleil et j'en avais besoin car c'est aussi la fete d'anniversaire de mon grand et je suis au boulot, ce qui m'a laisse un petit gout amer dans la bouche en partant ce matin (ca arrive). J'espere au moins qu'il appreciera le gateau que j'ai decore avec amour (photo dans un prochain billet) !

31 juillet 2007

Info primordiale...

J'ai fini HP VII ce week-end et...

                                                        il est bien !

Non, je ne vous en dirai pas plus meme si moi, maintenant, JE FAIS PARTIE DE CEUX QUI SAVENT.

29 juillet 2007

Ressemblance troublante...

J'ai trouve Solene, la premiere assistante bancaire virtuelle du site de la Societe Generale par hasard... Et j'ai comme l'impression qu'elle n'est pas si virtuelle que ca puisque je la connais dans la vraie vie meme si elle ne s'appelle pas Solene. Meme que c'est son anniversaire aujourd'hui et que je le lui souhaite joyeux...


La ressemblance est troublante... Quand ont sait qu'elle a deja ete prise en photo pour une publicite de la meme banque, on peut se demander, est-ce juste une coincidence ?

20 juillet 2007

La poisse de mon anniversaire !

Mon compteur d'annees a ete incremente d'un an recemment... Petit Mari a voulu me gater pour mieux faire passer la pillule... Mais alors que ses cadeaux etaient vraiment genereux et bien vus, Murphy et ses ratages assures s'en sont meles...

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Je suis rentree le jour de mon anniversaire (ou presque) pour trouver mon salon envahi de gros cartons... J'etais toute impatiente, surtout que l'origine (un magasin de design) me laissait entrevoir que ces cartons contenaient de chouettes trucs...

Premier carton, et je tombe sur un globe en metal tout rond tout brillant... Immediatement, je reconnais la lampe Arco : j'en ai parle recemment et j'avais craque sur le design...Sequence "Petit Mari, tu es trop gentil de ceder a mes caprices" et effusions ! Puis nous deplacons le socle de marbre (super lourd, 63 kg) pour monter la lampe, la premiere partie metallique est vissee, jusque la tout va bien... C'est au deuxieme morceau que cela se gate : notre plafond est trop bas... La lampe est trop grande et ne loge pas. Deception... Il faut la remettre dans les cartons ! Bouh...


Il reste encore de gros cartons... Je decouvre les pieds de la table basse Noguchi, un autre de mes designs preferes. Decidemment, Petit Mari ne s'est pas moque de moi... Les morceaux de bois s'emboitent. Reste a poser le plateau de verre trempe de 19 mm dur le tout. C'est la que ca coince : j'ai bien dit "poser". Il n'y a rien a part son poids, qui fixe le plateau de la table sur les pieds... Elle peut glisser si on la pousse. Et des le lendemain, mon aine en fait l'experience ! Je suis dans la cuisine quand j'entends un enorme bruit de truc qui tombe... Je ne sais pas comment fiston a fait mais le plateau de verre est sur le tapis (non casse, ouf) entre les pieds de la table. J'ai eu tres peur pour mon fiston, un petit pied coince sous le verre et c'etait la casse assuree (pour le pied, car le plateau est extremement lourd !). Le plateau en verre et la table vont donc aussi certainement retourner dans les cartons : tant que les enfants sont petits, pas de table Noguchi, c'est une devise qu'il faudrait adopter... Rien dans les descriptions de la table ne laissait penser ca. Je suis decue decue decue (et je ne vous parle pas de Petit Mari) !


Quand je vous disais que c'etait la poisse ! Vous y croyez, un truc pareil ?

14 juillet 2007

Conte en images...


Les 12 coups de minuit sonnaient. Cendrillon allait s'enfuir...


Lorsqu'un charmant prince lui offrit un magnifique bouquet de delicates roses...


Cupidon l'angelot avait frappe : elle est immediatement tombee amoureuse...


Le prince charmant l'emmena donc a l'Eglise par une porte derobee...


Elle etait belle dans sa robe en organza blanche de princesse aux details fleuris...


Ils conclurent leur mariage et scellerent leur amour avec une magnifique piece montee coloree de macarons...

Ils vivent heureux et on leur souhaite beaucoup d'enfants...

PS : les photos ont ete prises lors de mon WE mariage...

13 juillet 2007

Harry Potter...

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Les publicites geantes et les medias sont la pour me le rappeler au cas ou j'oublierais mais le Film 5 d'Harry Potter (Harry Potter et l'Ordre du Phenix) est sorti hier, jeudi 12, ici... Le dernier tome de la saga (Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows) sort le 21. C'est symetrique mais aussi tres rapproche pour la Potter-addict-very-busy que je suis...

Alors dilemme : film ou livre ? Je pense que j'ai deja tranche : ce sera le livre. Parce que je veux etre sure de ne pas connaitre la fin a l'avance et qu'a mon avis, ce ne sera possible qu'en le lisant des sa sortie. Ensuite, il y aura forcement une fuite qui gachera la la, pour le dernier tome, ca serait vraiment dommage ! De toute facon, les films ne m'ont jamais impressionnee et je prefere imaginer l'histoire dans ma tete que de la voir "en vraie". J'aime bien les scenes de quidditch mais pour le reste, bof bof bof ! Donc livre, definitivement. Et j'attendrai la sortie du film en DVD.

J'ai decouvert Harry Potter assez tard, un peu apres la sortie du tome 4... Il y avait tout un foin autour des histoires du jeune magicien et j'ai ramene les 3 premiers tomes de New York, pour voir si ca me plaisait et ameliorer mon Anglais. C'etait en decembre 2000 et je ne vivais pas encore en Angleterre. J'ai eu un peu de mal au debut avec les capes, les baguettes magiques et les mots inventes mais une fois que cela a ete rentre dans mon vocabulaire, j'ai apprecie... J'ai donc emprunte le tome 4 a ma belle-soeur, longtemps apres apres sa sortie... Il etait moins gamin que les autres. J'ai eu envie de connaitre la suite et c'est pour cela que j'ai attendu avec impatience la sortie du tome 5. Mon Petit Mari me l'a ramene des Etats-Unis en 2003... Puis on a demenage en Angleterre... Pour le tome 6, en 2005, je l'avais reserve dans la librairie a cote de chez moi de crainte de ne pas l'avoir pour partir en vacances (le jour meme). En pratique, je l'ai paye deux fois plus cher pour pas grand'chose. Il etait partout en promo a l'aeroport et il etait meme en devanture de la petite librairie du village paume de Creuse ou j'etais en vacances... Cette annee, je resiste a toute reservation. Je le trouverai le jour J sans probleme, c'est sur... J'ajoute que je ne peux le lire / voir qu'en Anglais, je deteste les traductions des noms francaises et je les connais tres mal. C'est snob hein ? Je sais...

Et vous, vous avez decide de faire quoi ? Livre, film ou les deux ? Vous suivez la saga depuis le debut ou, comme moi, vous l'avez decouverte sur le tard ? Vous y etes allergique ? Vous n'aimez pas du tout ou n'avez pas envie d'essayer ? Lecture en Francais ou en Anglais ? Dites-moi tout ! Il me semblait qu'en ce vendredi 13, je me devais de parler de ce magicien qui fait couler beaucoup d'encre...

10 juillet 2007

Challenging challenge...

Bon, il faut bien que je vous le dise, je suis rentree de mon week-end de folie qui fut finalement fort folichon !


Le temps, comme prevu, n'a pas ete au rendez-vous mais un peu plus de boue ou un peu plus de mouille ne fait de mal a personne et j'ai meme reussi a rougir lors de la derniere etape du challenge (le soleil a montre son nez !). Le cadre etait magnifique : de petites montagnes et des lacs du cote de Stirling (au Nord d'Edinbourgh)... Un coin ou retourner passer un WE en amoureux dans un bon hotel !

Je raconte en detail : il s'agissait d'un challenge sportif sur 3 jours, par equipe de 4/5/6 personnes de la meme boite, on decouvrait les epreuves (a peu pres 2H30 chacune) au fur et a mesure...
Le premier soir, course d'orientation dans la nuit. J'ai bien aime, on ne s'est pas perdu et on a plutot assure mais la boue a eu raison de ma cheville : je me suis fait une petite entorse. Heureusement, ce n'est sans doute pas grave car meme si je sens (toujours) ma cheville a chaque pas mal positionne, j'ai pu continuer a concourir dans les autres epreuves avec une bande bien serree (pas super raisonnable, je sais mais je n'avais pas envie d'arreter la et tant que la douleur etait supportable - appelez-moi Iron girl ;-) )...
Le lendemain matin, VTTau programme. Pas de bol, mon derailleur a casse dans la deuxieme montee... et j'ai du me taper avec mes coequipieres 5 km a pied en poussant / portant le velo dont la roue arriere ne tournait plus. Inutile de preciser que notre score a cette epreuve n'a pas ete glorieux car on a perdu enormement de temps...
L'apres-midi, il a fallu construire une machine capable d'entrainer un rondin sur au moins deux metres, le tout a partir de bouts de bois, de vis, elastique, seau, sable et de ficelle... La notre n'a pas voulu bouger... comme beaucoup d'autres !
Le soir, alors que nous avions decide d'aller visiter le joli village de Stirling et de manger ensemble, les organisateurs nous ont fait un sale coup : une epreuve surprise, type Sudoku, memo, etc... On a perdu quelques plumes (et places) a ne pas avoir ete la mais on s'est bien amuse au restaurant !
Enfin, le samedi matin, il y a eu de canoe, du kayak et de la course a pied au programme... Sous la pluie malheureusement, mais on s'est plutot bien sorti de l'epreuve. Notre strategie etait bonne !
La derniere epreuve l'apres-midi etait de loin la plus sportive avec un parcours a velo et une suite a pied... Il aurait fallu que nous courrions 10 km en moins d'une heure apres toutes ces epreuves... Nous n'avons pas reussi meme si nous avons donne tout ce que nous pouvions !!! (Et c'est aussi la que j'ai vu que deux enfants, ca maintient aussi en forme que d'aller 5 fois par semaine au club de sport... Je n'ai pas ete la premiere a m'arreter, au contraire ;-) ).

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Bref, l'equipe etait sympa, toute feminine. Nous n'avons pas fini derniere des 32 equipes (c'est ce que nous craignions) meme si plutot bien placees en commencant par la fin quand meme :-) ... Je dois avouer que ca m'a bien plu et que je n'ai pas tant de courbatures que ca... J'ai deteste le costume dans lequel on devait concourir (cf les photos : nous etions en noir comme d'autres equipes et non, je ne suis pas sur les photos). J'ai apprecie l'equipe dans laquelle j'etais et l'autre equipe de la boite - garcons etait bien sympa aussi.

On est rentre dimanche... J'ai retrouve deux petits malades avec une grosse grosse fievre qui m'a tenue eveillee toute la nuit pour pouvoir donner des bains frais... J'ai presque trouve ca plus difficile que le challenge !

Voila, vous savez tout, et j'ai raconte ma vie... Pour ceux qui ont envie d'en savoir encore plus, vous trouverez dans le billet ci-dessous le resume en Anglais... J'ai supprime quelques trucs pour cause de confidentialite et pour rester un peu anonyme !
Une question quand meme : vous avez deja fait des challenges / raids / epreuves sportives comme ca vous aussi ou je suis la seule folle dingue a m'inscrire a ce type de trucs ?

10 juillet 2007

Le resume des epreuves...

As dusk and drizzle set in over Plean Country Park, Stirling on Thursday 5 July, the 32 enthusiastic and excited teams assembled for the start of the Energy Challenge 2007. Having only arrived at Stirling earlier in the day they were informed of the first twilight stage in the event briefing that evening. A team member from XXX said: “We were forewarned about a possible night stage by our team mate who competed last year, but it was still a shock on the first night for it to be such a physical stage. We had hoped that it would be more mentally challenging. We are trying to avoid the temptation to get excited because it's the first event!” At ten o’clock the team captains eagerly lined up ready to launch into action as the starting shot was fired and even a false start could not stop many racing off to collect their information envelopes. Everyone was called back and as the gun fired, the much anticipated first stage was finally underway. With six checkpoints to visit and a total of 12 bonus and question points on offer around the course, the teams grouped together to plan how to efficiently use the 75 minute time allocation. It was not long before the first teams broke away and charged off in search of their first checkpoint. With only the moonlight and their head torches to guide them, the teams navigated their way through undulating woodland and past the ruins of Plean Park House to reach the various check points. Once all the compulsory checkpoints had been visited the majority of teams split into pairs and ran off in search of valuable bonus points. As the night drew on, the teams regrouped near the finish to complete the questions they had collected and with five minutes to go, they began to surge through the finish. A member of Team XXX said: “It was fantastic - I'm tired and a bit dirty but it was a great night out.” Commenting on the stage results, Course Director Marcus X said: “We were very impressed by all the teams in this first stage with one team answering all but one question. However, not all the teams dipped their electronic tags into the receiver at each checkpoint which meant that their hard work was not recorded and their points were not counted.” The teams left Plean Country Park satisfied with their efforts and looking forward to whatever the next two days hold in store. They were all in agreement that if this was the start of things to come, they were in for a tough weekend!

After the adventures of the first night’s challenge, the 32 teams were up bright and early for the long and winding transfer to Achray Forest, the backdrop for the second stage – a 2 hour 30 minute set time, physical and strategic biking challenge. Teams were tasked with flying to 14 destinations (some worth more bonus points than others) based on countries. Firstly the teams had to visit ticket points to collect varying amounts of flight time which would determine how long they had to visit as many destination points as possible per trip. So as not to receive time penalties, teams had to ensure they returned to the Terminal area together before their flight time expired and be aware that destination points were closed at certain times during the stage! The sun came out from behind the clouds as the starting gun fired and the team captains sprinted off to collect their information envelopes and then huddled with their teams to deliberate their individual strategies. Having already taken some key learning’s from the first stage, the teams took longer to plan this stage to ensure they used their time out on the course efficiently, with Team XXX taking as long as 25 minutes before heading off to the ticket points. It was a survival of the fittest in this testing physical stage as teams had to cycle over miles of undulating forest tracks to the destination points. Two members of the team XXX faced particular difficulty running into mechanical problems en route to one of their first destination points, meaning they lost time receiving technical assistance. The steep terrain played a huge part in slowing participants down with some having to push their bikes whilst others including Team XXX demonstrated impressive team work by implementing a buddy system to pull the weaker team members up the hills. By the end of the stage, the majority of teams had visited an average of 9 destinations, with Team XXX and XXX, achieving an extremely impressive 14 destination points each. Alan X said: “It was wet, muddy, hilly and slippery but everyone pulled together, worked well and we all enjoyed every single minute of it. Ultimately the outcome is not about the final positions but how much money we’ve raised along the way and that’s what we think about to get us through stages as tough as this.”

With renewed energy the teams headed back to Stirling to eagerly await the next challenge. After the physically demanding challenge of the morning, teams had only a short break in which to re-group, recover and devour lunch before setting off for the Stirling University sports field, the location for the much anticipated construction stage ‘Get a Move On’. The aim of the stage was to construct a self propelled mechanism which could transfer a log over a minimum of two metres, with teams collecting bonus points for any additional distance achieved and further points available for those teams completing the task inside the maximum time allowance of 2 hours 15 minutes. The approaches to the task were varied, whilst most teams dove straight in and immediately picked up their tools to start work on their build, others took time to discuss design options and formulate a plan before commencing any activity. After almost 60 minutes of stage time had passed, the first teams, lead by Team XXX, nervously began to test their equipment, some heading back to the build bay to make adjustments and improvements to their mechanism whilst others went confidently to the Task Area to trial their equipment. After an initial rush of successfully completed tasks, the remaining teams were beginning to feel the pressure and many of them, including Team XXX, headed off to the information point to collect construction tips whilst incurring time penalties. As the remaining minutes of the stage passed by more than half of the teams were still working to perfect their designs. Unfortunately for many the time ran out too quickly and they were forced to abandon their build, dejectedly rushing off to the finish line within the allocated time to avoid incurring further penalties. It soon became clear the main reason teams did not succeed was over complication which meant there was a greater chance of their design going wrong. The winners were Team XXX who were not only the first team to successfully move their log, but also the team who achieved the most bonus points by travelling an impressive 18 metres in total. A member of their team said: “The key to our mechanism was simplicity. It was light and fast to build which earned us valuable bonus time. Without an engineer in the team, we relied on team work and communication and all contributed ideas for the design. In addition to our second place in this morning’s challenge, we have had a very successful day and hope to build on our lead in final stages.”

With that all the teams headed back to campus for a well deserved break, many under the assumption that having completed two very different but very tough tasks they were finished for the day. Little did they know they were in for a surprise………! After time to relax and enjoy a leisurely dinner, the teams gathered to listen to Steve Backley, keynote speaker for the Energy Challenge 2007. Having won an unprecedented four successive European Championships, three Commonwealth gold medals, two Olympic silvers and one Olympic bronze, Steve gave up his time to offer teams invaluable advice on how to perform under pressure, remain motivated and prepare mentally for challenges such as those participants could likely face on Day Three. On being asked to represent SPARKS as keynote speaker and Leader of the Charity Team, Steve said: “I’m delighted to be involved in the Energy Challenge on behalf of SPARKS. It is a unique sporting event that combines physical challenge, intelligence, strategy and effective team working. It is also going to be great fun. The fact that the Energy Challenge is aiming to raise a lot of money for two great charities makes the challenge extra special.” After an exhausting day with two tough challenges behind them, the teams were left intrigued by Steve’s announcement at the end of his talk that there was still one more stage to complete. Teams were to face three quick fire tests in one hour – a mental conundrum, a number puzzle and a ‘spot the difference’ picture puzzle. Graeme X said of the unexpected stage: “We were very surprised we would be facing another challenge today. I expect and hope it will be a mental challenge after such a tough day out in the field. We didn’t perform particularly well this afternoon so hope this will serve to boost team morale and set the scene for an exciting last day tomorrow. If it’s sociable, mentally taxing and over a beer we’ll be up for it!” The challenge involved memorising problems that were projected on to a screen but with no writing aids allowed, teams had to be creative in the methods they adopted in order to remember their answers. As each section began, the room fell quiet as teams lowered their voices to a whisper to ensure they were not overheard by their neighboring teams. Success in this stage was important for teams who had not performed well in the earlier challenges by providing an opportunity to prove that mental aptitude was equally as important as physical strength. Team XXX emerged as the victors of stage four and improved their position on the scoreboard, whilst Team XXX performed well yet again and increased their substantial lead over the other teams. Once the stage was over and having been assured that this signalled the completion of all stages for Day Two, the mentally and physically exhausted teams finally headed to their rooms for a welcome rest before the next and final day’s challenges.

The penultimate stage of the Energy Challenge 2007 saw teams head to Loch Ard, a freshwater lake nestled in the heart of the beautiful Trossachs region. The stunning surroundings did little to ease tensions as the teams were joined by their Leaders in this set time canoe stage. The Leaders were thrust straight into action and deposited on Loch Ard’s central island whilst their teams waited apprehensively on dry land. When the starting gun was fired the teams raced to the waters edge to collect their canoes and await the return of their team captains from the start wire before entering the dark waters of Loch Ard. Meanwhile on the island in the middle of the loch, the Leaders opened the envelopes containing key information about the stage and began their strategic planning. Team XXX entered the water first, closely followed by others as a flotilla of canoes paddled out to the island to join their Leader and finalise their strategies just as the rain began to fall. The majority of the Leaders chose to join their teams for the arduous part of the stage, paddling and then running down forest paths to collect and distribute tokens at the required points;  Team XXX was one of a few teams to encounter problems on the canoe when they suddenly capsized but with steel determination they quickly righted their canoe and paddled on as the rain finally went away and the sun emerged towards the end of the stage. Spurred on by the presence of their Leader and the confidence gained from having the additional member, Team XXX carried off a strategic coup and crossed the finish line first, with half an hour of stage time to spare therefore ensuring they were well rested for the final stage. Nearly all the teams and their Leaders completed the stage within the two and a half hour maximum time, with just Team XXX coming in over the time allocation and incurring penalties. The current leaders, Team XXX, had another successful stage to further increase their lead as they headed into the final challenge. Mark X, Leader of Team XXX said: “That was surprisingly hard but brilliant and great fun. My team members were fantastic, they stayed with me the whole way and kept me going which is what so much of this event is all about. It is about building teams and seeing what great teams can do and that was a great example of teamwork. It is fantastic to see so many people from across the energy industry here, all having a great time and raising such a lot of money for worthy causes.“ This challenge, made critically important by the presence of the Leaders, was a show of team work, strategy and endurance, a great culmination of all the qualities required to compete in the Energy Challenge.

After five gruelling stages and with the finish line now in sight, the 32 teams geared up for the final challenge. The tension was palpable as all the teams were eager to maximise the last opportunity to improve on their scores. Having dropped off their team members at the start line of this fastest to finish bike and run stage, the Leaders were left in the middle of the Devilla Forest to await their teams whilst the substitutes awaited their return under the backdrop of the stunning Tullialan Castle. For the final time the starting gun was fired and the Team Captains, aware this was the last opportunity to move their team up the leaderboard, eagerly raced off across the field to collect the envelope containing the start puzzle. Once solved, they led their teams around the loch and across the Gartmorn Dam to collect their mountain bikes. Leaping onto their bikes after the 800 metre run, the teams headed out into the countryside and cycled along a disused rail track to the first checkpoint, collecting up to three bonus points on the way. They then headed deep into the Devilla Forest, where further invaluable bonus points would be on offer, and reached a disused cottage signalling the end of the bike stage. There teams were joined by their Leader who held the map to the last gruelling phase of the challenge. Most teams took their time to strategically devise their route around the final check points and bonus points to ensure they achieved a high score. Teams were obligated to visit all six check points as complete teams but had the option to split into pairs to maximise their visits to as many of the seven bonus points as time or their strategy would allow. The toll of the physically and mentally draining challenges completed so far was evident, with many participants struggling over the course. Team work was now a key factor as teams charged up the final straight, many arm in arm shouting words of motivation to their weary team mates. As they crossed the finish line, cries of relief and jubilation echoed around the castle grounds, their challenge finally over. Yet another strategically brilliant stage was the crowning glory for overall champions Team XXX. Leader Jim X said: “The team has just been unbelievable; I’m so proud and can’t wait to get back to the office to tell everybody. They’re all incredibly fit, the female influence added so much to the team dynamic and all in all it was an amazing team effort. The event was such good fun and we’ll definitely be back next year, hopefully with other teams from the office for us to beat!” Whether celebrating success, teamwork or just having completed all six challenges, all the teams headed back to the hotel to pop the champagne corks. Whilst another Energy Challenge had come to an end, teams left in the knowledge they had given 100% and most importantly raised vital funds for richly deserving causes.

5 juillet 2007

Ma petite folie du WE...


Le jour ou j'ai dit oui pour faire partie de l'equipe... je ne savais pas ce qui m'attendait. Je ne sais toujours pas... Mais j'apprehende drolement. C'est ma petite folie du WE a venir.

Je pars 3 jours en Ecosse faire un challenge sportif. J'abandonne mari et enfants pour mes collegues... et je me sens coupable a fond et pas prete physiquement... J'avais deja participe il y a deux ans, mais il s'agissait de grimper 3 montagnes en 24H (la photo a ete prise pendant la derniere descente). Le concept etait different... J'en avais bien bave ! La ca promet d'etre pire... Je dois etre un peu masochiste... surtout que les previsions meteorologiques laissent a desirer !

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Un descriptif : Great teams are at the heart of great businesses, and the Energy Challenge is designed to bring out the best in all participants. Based on the Intelligent Sport® concept, it is a multi-faceted event which challenges everyone - physically, mentally and strategically - over two action-packed and demanding days.(Ca me fait peur d'avance...)Your team may have to ride mountain bikes across rough terrain, canoe down a fast flowing river, solve puzzles, crack codes, climb mountains or orientate its way through dense forest. (Au secours !)
The Energy Challenge is a heady mixture of competition and co-operation, communication and initiative, planning ahead and adapting to changing circumstances, following the pack and striking out on your own. It is networking and bonding. Team building and morale boosting. Testing and exhilarating. It brings out the best in individuals in a positive team environment and, moreover, raises vital funds for charity. (C'est le seul point positif)
It is hectic, unforgettable… and, above all, it is fun!

J'espere que la derniere ligne est vraie ! Souhaitez-moi bonne chance...

1 juillet 2007

Fraises en folies...

C'est la folie des fraises en ce moment et elles ne sont pas cheres du tout... Il faut en profiter !


La, elles sont trempees dans le chocolat par Godiva... Une bonne idee de dessert ! A faire soi-meme !

PS : je sais, mon billet est nul aujourd'hui... mais j'avoue, je n'ai pas le temps en ce moment et je trouvais la photo jolie et le fait que Godiva vendent les fraises fraichement chocolatee un peu too much ! Pas vous ?

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Le blog de Yoko
Le blog de Yoko : Les chinoiseries d'une scientific, girly, working mother...

Je te souhaite la bienvenue.
Ici, tu  trouveras un peu de tout et beaucoup de petits riens selon l'humeur du jour et l'inspiration de mes chinoiseries ou japoniaiseries qui sont comme des post-it électroniques.
Alors oui, bienvenue, toi qui atterris sur cette page...
J'espère que tu trouveras ton chemin et de quoi te distraire, que ca te plaira ... et que tu reviendras !
Bonne visite !

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